Seven steps to seventh cycling heaven

Seven tips for considerate and therefore safe cycling with (even) more enjoyment in the Hügu Himu Emmental.

#1 | Better safe than sorry

The Hügu Himu routes venture far into the primeval landscape of rural beauty. Although not all the roads there are paved, you will be rewarded with magnificent views. Take bumpy sections with sufficient caution, or push your e-bike a little if in doubt. Large land vehicles are also not uncommon - it is better to let them go first, as a leisure cyclist you will probably have more time than the people working here.

#2 | In groups and in good company

Exploring the Hügu Himu with friends or family is great fun. But you are not completely alone on the trail. A good level of individual attention is required to ensure road safety. Ride behind each other and pay more attention to oncoming traffic than to talking to each other - especially at junctions. However, don't neglect verbal exchange - the fine culinary refreshment stops along the routes offer ideal conditions for this.

#3 | Mutual respect

While you as a cyclist are granted a few carefree hours in Hügu Himu, the locals go about their daily business. You would like to give the rural population the feeling that you enjoy being guest here? Warm greetings and the occasional chat at the garden fence are just as suitable for this as carefully passing through courtyards or respecting private property. Locals appreciate this very much and often respond with warm openness.

#4 | reCYCLE today...

It is best to take what you have brought with you or put waste in the bins provided. Path markings in the form of empty aluminum cans, PET bottles or plastic bottles are inedible even for locals as animals. Let's preserve the beautiful natural experience and landscape along the way, which is a pleasure for guests and landowners alike!

#5 | Brake carefully

Although disc brakes are also used in Formula 1 racing, they should not tempt you to push gravity to the limit. Ride downhill at a leisurely pace, anticipate oncoming traffic, stop for a while when you have a magnificent view and enjoy a relaxed descent in perfect health.

#6 | Consideration of private property

Be aware that you are often on private roads which may be used, but only thanks to the goodwill of the road owners. With an appropriately grateful attitude as a Hügu Himu guest, you will make a decisive contribution to motivating them to repair the section of road promptly if necessary (e.g. after a storm).

#7 | No fear of farm animals

In Hügu Himu, you will often drive by farms where a farm dog keeps watching. Relax - he's just doing his job. As soon as you leave the farm, he will make himself comfortable in front of the dog kennel. If there are cows, sheeps or goats in the middle of the route, calm and patience are good advisors: keep your distance, observe the signposted barriers and use the waiting time to breath in the rural atmosphere. The animals usually move on themselves or the owners are nearby and take care of them.

The Emmental is a paradise for connoisseurs of all types

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